The Latest in Origin of Life Research 2023

October 1, 2023

Before the end of the year, I want to make sure I share this video with you. A challenge has been given to the ten greatest origin of life researchers.

Anyone who questions Dr. Tour’s experience only need look at his impressive biography:

I look forward to seeing how or if the greatest origin of life researchers respond.

Chris Reimers

(I’ve just finished watching this for the 2nd time and I think Dr. Tour does well here.)

The Latest in Origin of Life Research 2022

October 19, 2022

Scientists Solve an Origin of Life Mystery

A Google morning headline struck me today: “Scientists Solve an Origin of Life Mystery.” Maybe this article would help me understand what began the process of my creation. Unfortunately, the subtitle made it obvious that the main headline was misleading. It read:

“Seawater might have supplied the phosphorus required for emerging life.”

Hmm…the main headline seemed definite, whereas the subtitle used the word “might.”

And then there was the first sentence of the article:

“Researchers from the Universities of Cambridge and Cape Town may have found a solution to the mystery of how phosphorus came to be an essential component of life on Earth by recreating prehistoric seawater containing the element in a laboratory.”

Hmm…”may” have found a solution? So, the main headline should probably read:

Scientists May have Solved an Origin of Life Mystery

A title like that would not have gotten my attention so much. I hope this article stays up for a long time so that this post doesn’t become obsolete. You may want to check it now to see that I am not pulling your leg. Actually, it doesn’t matter that much since articles like this happen all the time.


As I’ve been looking for a good reason to share a recent lecture with my readers, I now have a good place to put it. Anyone who is familiar with Dr. James Tour knows how great a scientist he is. This lecture was given at Rice University.

Dr. Tour works in relative obscurity compared to so many headlines like the one above. A guy calling himself “Professor Dave” has 10 times the hits on a YouTube video on this same subject. Professor Dave has nowhere near the knowledge of Dr. Tour and they disagree greatly.

The book of John begins with words that I believe:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of mankind. And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not grasp it.”

I will continue to watch for headlines like this and once a year comment on at least one of them.

Chris Reimers